Creative Studies Individual 30 Questions

1.     For how long has both Family Mart and Shell been operating?

= Family Mart has been operating since 1973 while Shell has been operating since 1912. 

2.     What are the environmental policies of Family Mart and Shell? 

= The environmental policy of Family Mart is striving to regard the global environment, nature, and biodiversity, as well as to prevent global warming and create a recycling-oriented society. Shell’s environmental policy is ensuring to carry out detailed environmental, social and health impact assessments when planning major projects, including an expectation that contractors and suppliers are committed to protect the environment.

3.     How many workplaces do family mart and shell have in the world?

= Family Mart has 24,243 stores worldwide while shell has around 44,000 service stations worldwide.

4.     What are people’s perspectives on the family mart-shell merger?

= I believe people’s perspective on the family mart-shell merger would be an increase of convenience for them, as both a petrol station and a good quality, cheap convenience store will be at service for anyone who is in need of both food as well as petrol for their vehicle at any time.

5.     What possible problems will the Shell and Family Mart collaboration cause for customers?

= A possible problem that may occur from the collaboration would be an increase number of people, making the waiting time to get petrol or buy products from the convenience store longer.

6.     Which of the two brands, Family Mart or Shell, is more well-known?

= Shell since it has been around for a longer time and is spread out more globally in many countries compared to Family Mart.

7.     What product I believe Shell and Family Mart should collaborate on?

= I believe the product Shell and Family Mart should collaborate on is the combining of both good quality food and products with the ease of being able to get petrol for one’s own vehicle.

8.     What is the history behind Shell?

= The history behind shell is Marcus Samuel decided to develop his London company in 1833. He already sold antiquities, but he wanted to branch out and sell oriental seashells as well, taking advantage of their current appeal in the interior design sector. He began importing the shells from the Far East as a result of the high demand, setting the groundwork for an import-export corporation that would eventually become one of the world's major energy companies. When Marcus Samuel senior died in 1870, his two sons, Marcus junior and Samuel, took over the firm and continued to grow it. They grew particularly interested in the oil exporting industry in the 1880s, but transportation posed a challenge because oil was transported in barrels that may leak and took up a lot of space. They commissioned a fleet of steamers to transport oil in bulk to tackle the problem, notably the Murex, which became the first oil tanker to travel through the Suez Canal in 1892.

9.     How can we tell if Shell and Family Mart will outperform their rivals?

= We can tell by analysing our target market. Our target market would be interested in convenience as well as cheap, good quality products which is what Shell and Family Mart would fulfil when they collaborate. This will increase their profits and allow them to surpass their competitors.

10.  What are the services and products offered by Shell and Family Mart?

= The services and products offered by Shell are crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. The services and products offered by Family Mart are rice balls, hot snacks, sweets, beverages and cosmetics. 

11.  Why is using Spiderman as our media franchise a good idea?

= Using Spiderman as our media franchise is a good idea as with the target market we have gone for, which is ages 20-35, there are a lot of people who are interested in Spider-Man, therefore using it as media franchise will cause the collaboration to gain more interest from consumers.

12.  Will the users be loyal to the collaboration between Family Mart and Shell?

= I believe users will be loyal to the collaboration because of its’ convenience and practicality, providing consumers with both good quality products and petrol.

13.  Will consumers spend lots of money on the Family Mart-Shell collaboration merely because of Spider-Man?

= I believe they will as having analysed our target market of ages 20-35, many people within this age range are interested in Spider-Man, therefore I believe it will result in consumers buying a lot.

14.  If Family Mart and Shell merge, would the petrol station provided by Shell still be available?

= Yes, because that is one of the main reasons of combining Shell with Family Mart, to provide more convenience for consumers.

15.  What is the history behind Family Mart?

= In 1973, the first FamilyMart was established in Sayama, Saitama Prefecture. The company has continued to expand, with 500 new outlets opening every three years. It became a corporation in 2002. Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, and Vietnam all have FamilyMart franchise outlets.

16.  What will it take for Family Mart and Shell to agree to merge their brands into one?

= They will have to analyse the advantages of collaborating with each other, from there they will be able to realise the potential of increasing both their profits from collaborating.

17.  Would the product prices be appropriate for the intended target market?

= Yes, since our target market is ages 20-35, I believe the prices will be appropriate for them as it is inexpensive.

18.  Would customers tell their friends and family about this collaboration?

= I believe they will as there is a high probability of the collaboration to be a success, it is convenient which would result in consumers spreading the word to their family and friends so that they can conveniently get petrol while getting inexpensive food and other products.

19.  What will this alliance provide to the consumers?

= It will provide more convenience to consumers, being able to both pump petrol as well as get affordable food and other products.

20.  Would both firms’ visions and missions complement one another in order to achieve their objectives?

= Yes, this is because they both strive to be environmentally friendly as well as the usual goal of each company being to increase profits, which I believe that this collaboration will definitely increase their profits. 

21.  Are the products sold as part of this collaboration environmentally friendly?

= Yes, that is one of the main principles of both companies.

22.  Could this partnership make the same, if not more, money if they employed recyclable materials in their products?

= Yes, as people are starting to be more environmentally cautious and friendly, so implementing recyclable materials in their products will definitely cause more people to buy from them and respect them, thus increasing the amount of money they achieve.

23.  Is it possible for both organisations’ strategies to operate well together?

= Yes, several strategies of theirs are similar, as long they analyse each other thoroughly and find out areas where they can really combine to create an even better outcome, they will be able to operate well together. 

24.  Is it possible for the two companies to work together despite their differences?

= Yes, they will need to mainly focus on their similarities and enhance them, while for their differences, they will need to find ways to counter it and possibly come up with a way to get an advantage out of their differences.

25.  How many services of the Family Mart and Shell collaboration do we need in a single city?

= Possibly around 50, this depends on how big or small the city is.

26.  Why featuring Spider-Man designs and merchandise in the collaboration attract consumers? 

= It will attract consumers because of our target market, ages 20-35 seem to find a lot of interest in Spider-Man, therefore consumers will be enticed to buy items. 

27.  What would be the most wanted goods among users as a result of the collaboration?

= The good quality and inexpensive food as well as petrol.

28.  What role do Shell and Family Mart play in society?

= Shell provides crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids, while Family Mart provides good quality food ranging from rice balls to hot snacks, alongside cosmetics.

29.  Will customers continue to purchase things from this merge between Family Mart and Shell once the sale time for Spider-Man merchandise has ended?

= Yes, as the convenience of getting petrol while also being able to purchase and eat good quality inexpensive food and buy other products will still entice customers to come back and keep buying.

30.  What is the difference between Family Mart and Shell? 

= The difference between Family Mart and Shell is that Family Mart focuses on providing customers with good quality and cheap food as well as cosmetics whereas Shell focuses on providing consumers with oil to fill up their vehicles as well as natural gas and natural gas liquids.                                             Best Survey Answers: 



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